Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Library of Babel

In the story The Library of Babel, written by Jorge Luis Borges, Borges describes a library such that is for the most part unimaginable to us. The story describes hexagonal rooms that are filled with books necessary for human life to exist. It described, from one mans point of view, the description of the library, who was in the library, and what all of the different books contained including one book that is godly. I thought this story was kind of out there. It's a very clever way of writing. The story to me seems very futuristics and seems like i've read something very similar to it in a story or watched a movie that had similar aspects as the library. Overall it gives you a mindset of what if there was a library that did exist such as The Library of Babel. It makes you ask questions about what would happen if someone were to own books of this kind and what kind of power they would possess to the world and the people within it. In conclusion, this story leaves many questions in my mind about if a supernatural library like this could even exist in my mind. It's like a huge record of everything that no one is meant to find. And if it did exist, what would happen if someone were to find it?

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